What IS Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the oldest form of continuously practiced medicine in the world beginning somewhere between the 14th-11th centuries BCE as ‘lancing’ or bloodletting. Today acupuncture is practiced with hair-thin, sterilized, metal needles used to stimulate points on the body in order to resolve illness and correct imbalance. In modern times acupuncture is used by about 1/3rd of the planet’s population as a primary form of medicine.
What Makes Us Different?
We use chiropractic medicine at Balance to restore proper physical alignment, encourage innate healing, and reduce pain, and increase immobility. Our safe and gentle adjustment style works well with all ages.
We offer a variety of massage styles at Balance; everything from medical to relaxation. Each massage type has its own purpose and relief expectations which may be covered by your insurance depending on your condition, benefits, and medical necessity.
Life Medicine
At Balance Health and Injury Clinic we offer treatment for a large variety of conditions from everyday conditions to chronic conditions. All of the treatments and services we offer are here to give your life a greater Balance.
This is what acupuncture can look like, up close and personal. As you can see the needles are incredibly small. In this image you’ll also notice some small, red rings around the needle placement. This is a sign for this particular treatment style that the needles are “in the right spot.”
Acupuncture can be done on any part of the body to treat any part of the body. Needles in the back and abdomen can treat internal disorders, while placement in the feet or hands will be used to treat the back and stomach.
Side note: the Chinese characters on the patient’s back read ping heng – meaning (appropriately) Balance; as in ‘keeping the scales at peace’.
Acupuncture FAQ
- Is acupuncture a covered benefit on my current insurance plan?
- What is my total benefit (i.e. how many treatments per year, or dollar amount)
- What is my deductible?
- Have I met any of that deductible this year?
Another option is to simply bring in your insurance card to your first visit. With the information on your card, your birth date and social security number we can call the insurance company and get that information for you.
Please note: if you have been in an automobile accident within the last 12 months and are currently undergoing chiropractic, physical therapy, or other medical care for injuries sustained you can use your PIP benefits for acupuncture treatment. What’s more, you do not need a referral to do so.